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Thursday, March 30, 2017


Shown here is just one of the homes destroyed by what was considered to be high winds.  Rockwall, Tx became a target when bad weather came through Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning.  The storms left a path through more than one State, and many locals are without power according to reports.  
We visited the area in Rockwall, Tx, yesterday evening, and was unable to go to the actual area, because security was enforcing the possible threat of looting, from people who do not live in the location.  
Midland, Tx suffered a tornado, while these storms were passing through, and other areas here, sustained damage from the high winds, as well.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Daylight Savings Time

Here we go again,  on the 12th, we will set our watches and clocks forward to keep up with the time change.  We do this crap, twice a year, and it's getting old.  Some of our States don't observe this, so why should we?
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April 30, 2024 Quick Hello