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Thursday, December 22, 2016

TEXAS THANG.........

It's a Texas "thang" we, say.......and rightly proud at that!  The way we talk, walk, eat, live and breath........all Texas style!  Yes, we brag and most of the time we can back it up!  It's our Texas, where we live, and grew up.  Where we make our life and move forward with our country ways, that we all consider true Texas values.  Our Stetson cowboy hats, cowboy boots, Levi jeans, western shirts and don't forget our Texas BBQ's!  We could go on and on about the things that make up the Texas Thang, but you'd get tired of our bragging and go get your own, Texas way of life.  That's just the way it is, here in TEXAS! 

Friday, December 16, 2016


Our town, is growing and so is the's gone through quite a change in a year's time.  Now, all the holiday events have taken place, with the Christmas parade, last weekend.  So, now Royse City, Tx, will start a new year, with all the trimmings.... :) !

Monday, November 7, 2016

Blog Traffic

I've been into searching different links and websites connected to those links, recently.  I came upon  randomly, and looked around.  I wish I had time to look at all the different websites, that I have found links to.  I just not able and my time has areas of domestic needs.  So, you may find this one feasible for your blogs or businesses.  Check it out.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Keller's Drive In Dallas is # 1 in Texas

I came upon an article that said the number one hamburger place in Texas was...........Keller's in Dallas, Tx.  

How about that, one.............hell I've been going there for years.  I even knew several of the waitress's by name, back in the 70's and 80's.  

Shirley, was the redhead, who worked for Jack Keller, many years.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Royse City, TX

Our town, has been in the news quite often and lately, we have been on the map.  Last week we had a bad accident on I-30 at CR 548, when two semi's collided head on, killing 3 people.  Although, I didn't see the car involved in the accident, in the photo,  they say there was 3 vehicles involved.
Now, we have a DART police officer that was the first one killed last evening, in the sniper shooting in Dallas, Tx.  Seems, that this officer had only been married 2 weeks ago, and now our city is mourning his unfortunate death.  A prayer vigil, will be held this evening at the police department here in town, to honor him and our other officers.  Blue ribbons have been placed around the light poles on Main Street, 
to show support of our Police Department and flags lowered to half mast at City Hall and the Police Station.
Royse City, TX is a growing town and with it comes the responsibility of protecting it's residents and businesses.  Our hearts go out to the families, who are grieving from the loss of their loved one, may God, give them courage to go forward, during these horrific times.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


 Yesterday, found us with storms once again.  This time we got some of the rough stuff. and believe me, it was not  a good show of mother nature.

 Hail started small and suddenly got mixed with larger balls of ice.  Then the even larger one's started coming down and it got scary.  From local reports, there were areas which received even larger size hail, to the point of baseball size.  Our area got tennis ball size, on down............and that was enough for us.
Funny how the "iris alert" in our town always alerts you after the fact????  Go figured?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Storms Last Night

We came close to having more bad weather, when the sirens were going off everywhere.  There was bad lightning, large amounts of hail and high winds locally.  Somehow, it wasn't as bad this time, but Spring is just beginning and we have a long ways to go to get through the season's storms here in Texas. 
Hurricane season is also just around the corner, leaving us with more possible threats of bad weather.  That's Texas, for ya!

Almost Finished

Back when Walmart first opened, I was put out with the fact that the USA Murphy's gas station hadn't been built along with it.  They told me that it was coming, but they weren't sure when.

Well, it's almost finished and in a week or so, we will have the convenience of being able to get most of our shopping done here in town.  Those who drive to work every morning will be able to fill up and hit the freeway in a matter of minutes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Month

Yesterday, marked the day one month ago, when the North Texas areas, were hit by violent tornadoes and many were injured plus several loss their lives.  Today, I look back on that evening and remember hearing of the devastation that was occurring while I sat here on my computer, playing games.  I saw the weather building and swirling out my windows in front of me but never realized how close the tornadoes were. 
So, I tell you now, that I am thankful the path was in another direction from where my home is still sitting, today.  I only live about 8 to 10 miles from the area and it could have taken a different direction, should the weather have deemed so. 
I drove by the apartments hit along I-30 a day or so after the storms and was sad to see a portion of the aftermath.  People, are still trying to regain their lives, and find a way to move on.  I am thankful not to be one of them.

April 30, 2024 Quick Hello