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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Local Power Plant

I wasn't watching what I was doing when I made this video, I was concerned with getting a good view of the local power plant.  So, needless to say you hear some country music playing in the background by Alan Jackson.
I was traveling down CR 66, which in earlier years, was old Hwy. 67/I-30, when I decided to make this video.
This power plant was so much smaller when I was growing up here in the area.  Just that small stone building and 3 or 4 towers were there.  It goes to show you how much our local area has grown in population, since the 1950's.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Greg Abbott

I've been reading up on some of the endorsements and possible new rules that this candidate is purposing for his seat in the Capitol of Texas.  Should he be elected Governor of Texas, it will be a definite change in the way we handle our State Laws in the next few years.
One of the things that caught my eye was the fact that he has a Latina wife.  I wondered if he would be biased to the Latinos because of her influence?  Reading further gave me some ease, to see that he wants to step up border patrol by hiring more DPS officers.  I also read where he considers Mexico and the drug cartels as a 3rd World type.  This is encouraging when most Texans are tired of the infiltration of illegal aliens to our State.  I understand that many have already made their way into our borders, and yes many are legal in some form or manner.  Yet, we the people who are affording the financial part of their family lives, are getting tired of them freely living on us.  Even if they have jobs, you will find them at the local post office or Western Union's,  on Saturday mornings, sending money back home to Mexico.  Therefore the money isn't being spent here, but sent back home to their families there.
I certainly hope that some good will come out of this election, should Greg Abbott, become the winner.  It's time for a change and I hope he will make it possible.

Friday, March 14, 2014

City Hall

This was at one time the annex for the 1st Baptist Church.  Now as you can tell, it has been made into our local City Hall.  The flags were flying at half mast because of the death of our Mayor's wife.  
I go here to pay my water bill, since I only live a few blocks away.  It's more convenient that taking time to write a check and mail the payment in. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

I-30 in the AM

This is how it looked crossing Lake Ray Hubbard Sunday morning, while driving to Dallas, TX to my part time job.  This was around 9:20am and by noon time the clouds were gone and the sun was bright with it's wonderful warmth.  We actually sat outside for a few minutes and enjoyed the nice day.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


I hear the drops of rain starting once again. It's okay because we need it to get the spring going in full array. I'm so ready for the "spring" to burst out. It's my favorite time of the year, with all the new growth. It seems we were able to enjoy yesterday for a short time, in the 70's and today the weather will change once again. Tonight, the time changes as well so we will wake up tomorrow with a new way of doing things. At least it won't be so bad that we have to travel around in the snow and sleet, like we did last weekend.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Can't Win

Do you play the "lottery"?  I like so many others find myself standing in a convenience store, paying for gas or picking up something in a hurry and there I go.  It's like an obsession, pulling me in it's direction.  Maybe, just one, I tell myself and before I realize it, I've jumped in with all the money I have in my pocketbook.  Sure hope I don't have too much cash in there, cause I'll be in trouble. 
Either way, lately I haven't hit anything???? What's up with this?  I would just like to get my money back.  Is that so bad to want?  Hell, no, just a reality, of many who invest in this chance to win big.  I'm not greedy, just give me some of it.  Hey, what do you say, "Powerball?"

April 30, 2024 Quick Hello