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Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Lights

Right after Thanksgiving and on that same day, we noticed a man outside putting up his Christmas decorations, the next evening while driving home, I got a huge surprise.  The house was fully lit, with white Christmas lights, and a sight to behold.  I was almost ready to call my sister and tell her how much that man really had been working, but keep hoping she will drive down the street as I did and see all his efforts.......

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Weather

This has been an up and down thing.........sometimes you get great warm weather, and then the freezing cold hits.  It's not magic, but the trouble that Texans face yearly.  Not only have we had this horrible drought, now we are looking at another year of this mess.  I frankly wonder if there will be enough water to service our homes this coming year.  I hope the rain is plentiful because I intend on a good spring vegetable garden.  The ground is tilled and if the rain will give us a week, then we can turn it over again, before planting time.

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