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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Month

Yesterday, marked the day one month ago, when the North Texas areas, were hit by violent tornadoes and many were injured plus several loss their lives.  Today, I look back on that evening and remember hearing of the devastation that was occurring while I sat here on my computer, playing games.  I saw the weather building and swirling out my windows in front of me but never realized how close the tornadoes were. 
So, I tell you now, that I am thankful the path was in another direction from where my home is still sitting, today.  I only live about 8 to 10 miles from the area and it could have taken a different direction, should the weather have deemed so. 
I drove by the apartments hit along I-30 a day or so after the storms and was sad to see a portion of the aftermath.  People, are still trying to regain their lives, and find a way to move on.  I am thankful not to be one of them.

April 30, 2024 Quick Hello