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Friday, February 21, 2014


 Well, times keep changing and things change.  This was the First Baptist Church back when I was a girl.  In fact I was baptized in this church back then.  I sang in the choir, and sat while Brother Cole preached many sermons to us.  His wife and Mrs. Hughes were the one's who supplied our musical accompaniments, when the choir performed during services.  I remember singing special music several times as they played.  The organ and piano always as to a choir's music.
 I remember sitting on the edge of those planter walls after church many times watching the people come or go after services.  
Today, it has been transformed into "C.F. Goodwin" Library, and that's better than it sitting vacant, like many churches are doing these days.
How many of you went to this church years ago?  Do you have memories you would like to offer?


 Here are some of the old buildings in town, and as you can see the old railroad tracks still run through on the south side of the main street. (Hwy 66)
 The brown building houses the Eastern Star and Masonic Lodge.  In years past the fire trucks would park in back of the building.  This in now a museum for the history of Royse City, TX.  They have visiting hours which you can take and see some of the old pictures of our town, back in the olden days.
If you notice the flags on the pole next to it are flying at half mast.  This is in honor of our Mayor's wife, who passed away this week.

Grain Silos

We still have a working grain company here in our town.  The freight trains come in on the rails to the right of the 3 silos you see on the right side of this picture.  They leave empty freight cars and pick up cars that are full of grain.  This last Christmas holidays, this company had a huge implement sitting right where the white pickup is now.  The big green monster was as tall as the building on the right and wide enough to take up that space in the middle.  I assume it was a harvester of some sort.  Can be sure since I'm not a farmer.

Back When

 This was a lumber yard back here in Royse City, TX,  several years ago.

 I'm trying to get my feeble brain to remember the name of the lumber yard, but it escapes me.  If you are old enough to remember, please update my old brain.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Texas Recipe?

Well, it looks as though that company is boasting of a Texas Recipe.  How nice since we do love our chili and other good spicy foods.  We wouldn't be Texans, if we didn't love our spicy foods on a regular basis.

Today's Temps

It just goes to prove that if you don't like "Texas" weather, just wait awhile cause it will change.  Here we are with 72* degree, sunny weather while the rest of the nation is cold and in a winter ice storm.  I'm not griping about our weather, it's something we've all been wanting for comfort.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wow 39 Degrees

Outstanding, we finally got off the freezing mark.  It's still cold to us, but anything above freezing helps the morale, and keeps down the heating bills.  Today, it beautiful for a winter day, the sun is out and there's not much breeze.  I know there are predictions for more bad weather, but we will enjoy what we have while we have it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shirley Temple Black Dies

Shirley Temple a legend child star, who in later life went into politics dies at the age of 85.
Shirley Temple

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Visit

It looks as though George went to visit Mom & Dad..........I'd say great picture of family......
I found this picture on Facebook and thought my readers would enjoy seeing our two important men from Texas.......

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Final Effects

This picture was taken yesterday, and now today it's mostly gone.  The temps should get rid of the rest since they are expected to rise to the 50's.  This will be a welcomed event from the cold we've been having.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weather Lingers

At 26*degrees our snow lingers with it's promise to be frozen ice.  This morning was a cold morning for commuters as they slid their way to work.  The roads haven't been bad because the road crews did sanding in record time.  It's nice when they expect it and are ready to hit the pavement running.  We don't like to drive in the mess and it's always nice for the roads to be passable. 
Tomorrow is supposed to be a warmer day, which will lead to melting and then more icing that night.  By Sunday, most of it should be gone, with temps in the 50's.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Some Snow

 The top two pictures were taken around 9am......

 Around 12pm, I took these pictures and it was still snowing, even though it was small flakes, it was still mounting up, with the cold temps here in the Texas area of my home.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Making of Texas

Come and take it.........was a bad idea.........

Texas History

Here you have a real west sight when you notice what Texas is all about.

Cotton Harvest

You don't see the cotton pickers like in the olden days...........these machines have taken over that job.

Ropesville Cotton Gin

A cotton gin in your town is something very rare. We still have one here in our town.

New Deal Farm

Can you imagine this type of farm in today's world?

Texas Weather!

As the saying goes:  If you don't like the Texas Weather, just wait a few minutes and it will change.  So, it has changed once again to cold and wet.  I'm sure that there are many states with worse weather than ours, but darn it, we are ready for the spring.  I noticed a few days ago, that the robins were here, all over the place and they must have been ready too.  They were all over our yards, pecking away at the ground for bugs, worm and seeds.  Now, I don't see them and it's raining as it has been most of the night.  I sure feel sorry for the other states that are covered in snow.  It is predicted that we may have some this weekend, but as it was last week, the prediction was unfounded for our area.  Thank God!

April 30, 2024 Quick Hello