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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

MyTexas: Rain!

MyTexas: Rain!: Wonderful needed rain has blessed our North Texas areas!  They said if we wanted rain to wait until Tuesday and by golly it's here.  It ...


Wonderful needed rain has blessed our North Texas areas!  They said if we wanted rain to wait until Tuesday and by golly it's here.  It has been raining off and on all morning long and still rain right now at the noon hour.  Maybe the cracks will seal and some of the dry ground will be soft for a few days.  The only problem now, is another round of mowing the grass and weeds this rain will bring up!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to School

It's back to school day here in our big city and the kids are ready to make the big day special, with new clothes, back packs, and meeting a new teacher or teachers.  If you are a member of the school age or a parent, then you know the needs of putting a child in school.
Most of make sure your child/children know the safe ways to handle any incidents that may happen, during that year.  Safety, is a first when it comes to your child's well being and protection.
Have a great year and learn all that important information, the teacher's are giving you!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Almost Ready

As you can see the site construction office is in front of the main building.  

Here we have a different view of the front and it looks as though it will be facing the south, towards Interstate 30, where new bridges are also being built.  The space here in the foreground is being excavated and I can't tell whether it's for the USA Murphy's gas pumps or another business?

WalMart Sign

Here we have the posts already in place for the big Walmart sign to be installed.  You know, it's one of those big signs you see along the interstate highways, letting you know where there's a Walmart store?  Ours is almost ready and they will be opening it in November of this year. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cool Front

It came just like the weathermen said it would.  A cool front, bringing lower temps and some rain.  Yesterday evening around 6pm it was already 79* degrees and dropping.  This morning was welcomed with cloudy skies, showers and cool temps of 66* degrees.  At 11am it's only 68* degrees compared to the normal temps in August of mid 90's.  I can actually open the doors and windows, using only ceiling fans to circulate the air.
My fear is that the sun will come out and humidity will hit hard.  Right now, I'm enjoying the cool wetness.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Oh My, Rain!

Wow, it finally happened, the rain came.  Yesterday evening as I sat here at my computer, I heard something that sounded odd.  By odd, I mean the sun was out and the clouds in the sky were white and billowy, with no indication of a chance.  I reached over and pulled the blind on the window to the side enough to look out.  Sure enough, there was rain dripping off the roof down on to the air conditioner in front of the window.  It lasted a few seconds, stopped and a few minutes later it started again.  This time it was coming down hard, knocking leaves off the trees and kicking up the dry dust on the ground when it hit.  This lasted about 10 minutes, and then it was over as fast as it came.  During the shower, I ran out on the front porch and placed my pot plants out so they could get washed and a good drink of fresh rain.  Oh, I also did not go out and roll up my car windows!  I let it rain right in, so as not to scare the nice rain away. :)  The leather seats will dry, with the heat and wind that's blowing around here.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Nice Cool Breeze

The breeze is nice and cool this morning, as I grab my first cup of coffee.  The temp is 81* but the wind makes it much cooler, with it coming from the southeast.  Yesterday's heat was horrible and this cool air makes it much better.  I'm not sure what the rest of today will turn out to be, but as for now, it's very nice.  Someone, got rain but it wasn't us!  The cool front has indeed made a nice difference.

Monday, August 10, 2015

I Saw Clouds?

Coming back from town, I noticed clouds in the northern skies, and was impressed with the fact that they were there.  We haven't had any rain lately and to see some clouds almost gave me hope of the chance.  It's possible the forecasters say, that we could get rain at least one day this week.  I do hope it makes it down this far so we can have relief from the heat.  Even for a short while, that would be welcomed!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Too Hot

I've been trying to stay cool but the temperature outside just won't allow it.  I don't dare try and drive the car during the middle of the day, because my AC is out.  So, if I do anything it has to be early in the mornings or late evenings.  Otherwise I wait until the other car gets home and take it where I need to go since it's AC works.  On days like this it even lacks in cooling, because of how hot a car can get out in the sun.
Every other day, I have to water to keep the plants from dying.  That's really not enough to do much good, since the ground is dry and cracked open.  I wonder if the rains will start again this fall?  They usually come in around October and last through the spring months.  Maybe, next week we'll get some needed rain, since there's a chance in the forecast.

Friday, August 7, 2015

The New One

Remember that horrible day when Big Tex went up in smoke?  Well, that scene brought tears to many eyes of the native Texans.  Today, we have what you call an updated Fair Park area.  Have a look around.......
The theme this year is "Passport to Texas".

State Fair of Texas 2015

September is just around the corner and along with it comes the "State Fair of Texas" with our featured member, "BIG TEX".

Coming soon..............

This video is from 2012, just to give you some ideas of the fun, food and entertainment to be found there.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

We Got It

If you've ever been to the "Lone Star State" then you know how great Texas is!  You name it, and we got it!  There's never a dull moment here in our state and you can find events, rodeos, fishing, caverns, amusement parks, skyscrapers, large cities, small rural towns, and so many more things I don't have time to mention.  Oh yeah, did I mention snakes?
Right now we are in the middle of the summer months and in Texas you know what that means, especially if you've visited during that time or live here.  HOT and DRY!  All this week we are in the 100's and you can see wide cracks in the ground, where there was water all the month of May. What a difference a month makes!  The lakes picked up good levels of water, so the fishermen and boating enthusiasts are having a great summer.
If you come to Texas, be sure to enjoy some BBQ while your here.  That's just one of the good things you'll be able to have memories of, when you return to your home.  TEXAS, a great place to be.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Another Hot One

Here is the beginning of another hot day in Texas.  It's 9:30am and already 83* degrees with clear skies and the humidity 47%.  A 6 mph wind won't help much simply because of the heat.  Hot wind in your face is just as bad as a furnace.
If you look at the ground that was saturated back in May with rain, today it is cracked and dry.  The grass that hasn't been watered, is turning yellow and the leaves are starting to drop from the trees.  It's for certain that August is going to be a hot month, with this week's predictions of 100* degree temps showing throughout.  Here goes the electric bill again this month and I fear it will be higher than last month's.

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