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Thursday, February 7, 2013


I heard a bunch of sirens take off downtown and wondered why it was taking them so long to get where they were going?  It seemed to me that they were driving around on the local city streets nearby.  After a few minutes I heard their sounds getting closer.  Realizing that they were somewhere near, I opened my back door.  There on the other street directly behind me were the flashing lights.  The big rigs for the Fire Dept. hadn't arrived as yet.  Then I heard them start their loud booming alerts of the "big guys" coming out of their house.  The sound of the big fire truck is very different from the smaller vehicles.  Here they came booming  up the streets, coming to a stop there as well.  What seemed like forever, they worked at containing this house fire.  At one point I heard the sound of axes and then the chain saws took a firm loud cutting sound.  It sounded as though they were attempting to get to a fire inside a wall.  Very soon afterwards I heard the breaking of glass, which meant that they were having to get this stuff out of their way, to contain the fire.
After about 2 hours they had everything under control, packed up their equipment and left. 
I didn't get to watch the video, I was planning on, since there was ,more excitement outside my back door.  :)

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April 15, 2024 Out in the Garden/yard